Security Goes Beyond a Seven Layer Cake
Security is best done in layers. How many times have you heard this? How many more times will you hear this? I guess until you decide technology is over rated and you revert to using pad and pencil for all transactions. Let’s see how long you stay in business.
You won't feel the need to invest in protection until you can clearly see how each layer works to keep you safe. The old say what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Well by now you should know this statement is meant for a kid who is being protected by their parents. You are being hurt right now and you don’t know it. Heck! I didn’t know that until now.
Recently, I noticed security alerts popping up. To be honest, I actually turned on notification for the first time since implementing this technology. It was requesting approval to send out files. The files were all PII and banking information. None of this is to be shared without my consent and knowledge. However, seems like someone else has different plans about my data.
So, what is the technology? Data loss prevention or DLP for short. Here is the very short version. You tell DLP the data you don’t want to leave your computer. You tell DLP what methods of transfer to monitor such as, emails, uploads, or USB. Next you block all transfers, request approval, or allow all transfers. At the least I hope you select request approval. Then activate DLP by applying it to a computer.
In this short article I told you about data loss protection. I provided you with the why you need to install it. I covered the primary steps to configure it and then to activate it by applying it to a computer. Now verify if your antivirus software has it. If not, contact me to get this security on your personal and business computers.